PCG's Playbook

The Playbook for Educator Success

Educators need support and development to build successful schools.

Sustainable professional learning opportunities are hard to find—especially those that address real world challenges and fit into real world schedules. That’s why Public Consulting Group (PCG) created Playbook.

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About Playbook

PCG’s Playbook is a personalized coaching and professional learning platform for educators. From principals to paraprofessionals, it delivers just-in-time support through sequenced actions focused on specific needs (“plays”), expert-curated resources, and a virtual network of peers. We combine this with coaching, mentoring, and collaboration experiences—all in one centralized place.

As teachers and leaders complete plays and interact with coaches and peers in a virtual environment, they deepen their professional knowledge while improving their schools – and because plays are assigned based on identified needs and goals, educators can focus their limited time tackling relevant challenges.

Check it out!

How It Works

PCG works with school districts internationally to support the success of students, teachers, and leadership. We have over 30 years of experience working to improve education services.

We took what we learned from our coaching work around the country and created a data-driven and actionable toolkit that:

  • Alerts educators when action is required based on data
  • Delivers specific action steps with resources, tools, and professional learning to facilitate action
  • Enables virtual and live coaching to support educator success

...For Principals

Principal's Playbook is specifically designed to support principals, assistant principals, and aspiring leaders, regardless of their experience. Principal’s Playbook addresses the unique needs of building leaders with a needs assessment and plays aligned to the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders and support from PCG’s leadership experts.

With Principal’s Playbook, districts can elevate principal leadership skills, increase principals’ peer support, and retain the talent they worked so hard to find.

Principal's Playbook Introductory Video

...For Special Education Teachers

Special education directors, special education teachers, and related service providers get support from PCG’s special education experts along with a needs assessment and plays driven by CEC’s professional ethics and standards. The program is tailored to individual areas of development, allowing educators to grow professionally while meeting the complex needs of today’s students.

Special Education Playbook Introductory Video

...For the people in your district who need to “up their game”

Playbook can be customized to meet the needs of any population, or to focus on any content. We will work with you to determine the greatest areas of need and develop custom plays and needs assessments, or transform your existing professional development program into a dynamic, data-driven system for improving educator practice, with content tailored to meet the needs of each individual at the right moment.

Let's consider the scenario for a Title I Principal as shown in this video.

What are people saying?


“When examining successful turnaround schools, the key has always been the building leadership.” said Rebekah Hornak, the director of instructional services at Saginaw School District. “While the principals of Saginaw Public’s priority schools are solid in their leadership, it takes a team to move a school. That is why we went with PCG. The program provided allows for the support that the building leadership needs to problem-solve challenging situations and move their building forward.”

“The Principal's Playbook is a very good source for principals and related school administrators to have a secure network of like- minded professionals ... We often provide support to our teams but neglect our own personal professional support systems.” Robert Martin, Chief Operating Officer Florida Charter School

How PCG Helped Florida Charter Schools

The Florida Department of Education initially partnered with Public Consulting Group (PCG) in 2012 to support the more than 600 charter schools across the state in their transition to the new Florida Standards. Following the successful completion of the project, PCG was well positioned to further support charter school principals and partnered with the state in 2014 to design a unique Principal's Playbook, a blended learning platform for professional development.

PCG designed the Principal's Playbook to support Florida charter school principals in their professional development and to provide a platform for principals to communicate exemplar leadership practices with their peers.

Contact us for more details

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Have more questions?

Give us a call to discuss how PCG's Playbook can help support school leaders in your school or district.
